Rewind to 2005 and Toyota, building upon the successful Landcruiser inline diesels, was looking for a high-output yet compact powerplant to put into it’s larger 200 series SUV’s. Designed from the ground up to be lightweight and compact, the 1VD-FTV debuted at the Paris Auto Show in 2006 for use in the Landcruiser 200 series wagon. The 1VD-FTV has since garnered an incredible following overseas markets for it’s amazing torque, low fuel consumption, and fantastically quiet operation. Utilizing Toyota’s D-4D (pronounced Dee-Four-Dee) High Pressure Diesel Fuel Injection Technology, the 1VD-FTV allows for ultra-smooth operation throughout the engine’s power band.
The 1VD-FTV was offered in two variants; a single turbocharger model and a dual turbocharger model. For conversion purposes, it makes little sense to offer a single turbocharger model as the final price would not be affected enough to warrant not using the higher-power twin turbo variant. But, overall the only real drawback in using the 1VD-FTV in any variation is the price. All twin turbo 1VD-FTV engines are derived from the 200 series Landcruiser which is an expensive vehicle in any market. Furthermore, when dealing with a conversion project, we need almost an entire vehicle worth of components, computers, and accessories. So, our cost on acquiring a low-mileage complete 1VD-FTV conversion package is well over $29,500. This is before we make a dime on it. Secondly, the 1VD-FTV is a VERY complicated installation and requires a ton of time to properly execute. Now, all of this aside, the conversion is totally worth it from every angle. The 1VD-FTV in a Tundra platform will almost double your fuel economy and deliver better performance than the gas guzzler V8 that’s in there now. If you have any questions regarding a Tundra twin turbo conversion, ask a sales associate today.

4.5 liter Common Rail Twin Turbo Diesel
276 HP 476 ft/lbs Torque @ 1400 RPM
Only Available W/ 6spd Auto

In-House Wire Harness Manufacturing
Over the last 20 years, we have invested heavily in wire processing equipment, application tooling, a vast array of connectors and an ultrasonic wire splice machine. All Diesel Toys wire harnesses are designed using state-of-the-art software and construction methods to achieve an unparalleled level of quality. No other conversion company anywhere is building at this level, period.
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